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Francisco Sanches School

Braga - Portugal

It is located in Braga, a city in the northwest of Portugal. It is a district capital with 110 640 inhabitants in 2011 (last census). In 2012 Braga was awarded the European Youth Capital by the European Youth Forum. Braga is a very ancient town, founded in the 1st century. However it has a modern life.

Francisco Sanches School was founded in 1973 and in 2015 a new building was inaugurated. Since 2009, this school is a TEIP (Educational Territory of Priority Intervention) because of the  population with economic and social difficulties. It has lots of students fom different countries, mainly Brasil.

It has 841 students aged 10-15: 2nd cycle of scholarity with 2 years and 3rd cycle of scholarity with 3 years. 

Francisco Sanches School is actually a group of schools. Besides this main building (2nd and 3rd cycles) is has also 4 kindergarten schools with 1st cycle (4 years scholarity). There are still 2 other schools only for 1st cycle (students aged 6-9/10).

It is a very dynamic school, with lots of local, national and international projects, clubs of German and Chinese, Theatre, ICT, Sports, National Library Network ...

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